Gained an understanding Environmental Justice:
Explored themes related to environmental justice to help to dismantle systemic oppression and racism through the lens of sustainability:
Brainstormed and designed 14 innovative projects that support environmental justice. Projects include:
Gained and practiced valuable skills. Participants collaborated around the clock with a global cohort and put these resume-building skills to the test:
Continued the fight for a sustainable future. TGP's mission advances the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs). The basis of this hackathon promotes solutions for real-world problems. Through our virtual delivery, participants were able to gain a safe, accessible, and effective experience in one of the most pressing issues facing our world today: Environmental Justice.
Gained an understanding Environmental Justice:
Explored themes related to environmental justice to help to dismantle systemic oppression and racism through the lens of sustainability:
Brainstormed and designed 14 innovative projects that support environmental justice. Projects include:
Gained and practiced valuable skills. Participants collaborated around the clock with a global cohort and put these resume-building skills to the test:
Continued the fight for a sustainable future. TGP's mission advances the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs). The basis of this hackathon promotes solutions for real-world problems. Through our virtual delivery, participants were able to gain a safe, accessible, and effective experience in one of the most pressing issues facing our world today: Environmental Justice.
Continue your sustainability
education and impact.
Hackathon participants get $100 off TGP's Nepal (Online) Certificate Course until 9/21/2020. Enroll today!
Seeking future
sustainability leaders!
Now Enrolling: 2021 Online & In-Person Programs. Apply today!
© The GREEN Program Public Benefit Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
30 S. 15th St. Floor 15, Philadelphia, PA 19102 | +1 215-821-0935 |